Serving women and men in need in Clinton and the surrounding area.  

Arrival of Hope

As 2024 ends and we finish reflecting on Advent season, I think about what advent truly means for our staff, our clients, and for the world. Until recently, I must have somehow forgotten that the word “advent” actually means “arrival.”
In our yearly report, 50% of our clients express that they hold religious beliefs, 21% regularly attend a place of worship, 36% have a religious preference of Christianity, and another 5% identify as Catholic. With this percentage rate, many of you are probably familiar with the terms I’m about to use to describe Advent.
In Christianity, we celebrate Advent as we reflect the birth and arrival of Jesus, His life, and His return. There are four themes many churches focus on throughout the four weeks of Advent. Sometimes, the themes are worded differently but the focus is the same.
Themes of Advent 
1. Hope (or promise)
2. Preparation (or waiting)
3. Joy (or peace—sometimes celebrated in it’s own week)
4. Love
In our center this year, our staff members have done lots of preparation and waiting. We have found hope in the stand for life. We have found so much joy & peace working with our clients in hard situations. We have given out an abundance of love and treated our clients as family.
Our client, Maribel, found hope during her follow-up ultrasound appointment. Her first ultrasound didn’t go very well. There were signs of a possible early miscarriage. But we gave her lots of love and encouragement. We prayed with her and scheduled her for a follow-up. At her next appointment, we saw a beautiful tiny baby with a thriving heartbeat. 
Renee found peace escaping the wrath and darkness of domestic violence. She finds joy as she prepares for her baby in a safe and loving home. 
Lacy relishes the promises of God as she holds her belly bump when the doctors said she could no longer have children. She is anxiously awaiting the arrival of her little one. 
Monique, a single mother of many children, found hope and freedom in Christ as she surrendered it all to Him. She, at one time, was contemplating abortion but later decided that she was going to do right by her children. She birthed a beautiful baby boy, moved out of an unsafe environment, and got her own apartment. She is rewriting the story of her children and is in the early stages of creating a beautiful legacy. (In Christ, we are a NEW creation!) Monique found that her identity was not in who she is with, or what she has done. Her identity is found in WHOSE she is – [a daughter of God] – and what HE has done [sending Jesus for our redemption.] 
Vanessa felt she had no other option and went through a chemical abortion this year via the abortion pill process. In her own words she stated, “I didn’t know I was going to see my baby in the bathroom. They didn’t tell me I would have to flush my baby down the toilet.” While healing from the trauma of abortion and lack of informed consent, Vanessa became pregnant again. This time, she found hope in knowing that she COULD be a good mom. She holds onto the hope of a brighter future of healing and life as she plans to parent this new baby. 
In 2024, we saw pain and helplessness. We also saw joy and help from our generous community. Where there was hopelessness, we found hope. Where there were ashes, we found beauty. In the darkest of situations, we still saw light. 
I pray that as 2025 begins, Life Line Sampson will continue to be an arrival of hope to the families of our community. I pray we will continue to share light in dark places and most importantly, share the creator of light and life. 
*Disclaimer: Client names have been changed to protect client confidentiality.


What You Need To Know Before Considering the Abortion Pill

It’s 2024. As another election year rolls around, we are surrounded by high emotions, confusion, misunderstandings, and even lies. In the midst of this, we have found that abortion pills are now more accessible than ever before—even despite the state laws you reside in.

Safe guards are in place not to harm you but to protect you. Before you consider a chemical abortion (the abortion pills), there are a few things you need to make sure have happened.

1. Have you had a medical pregnancy test to confirm your pregnancy?

Our office sees anxious women every month who state they took a “positive” at-home pregnancy test but were actually not pregnant. In the midst of a stressful situation, it is easy to misinterpret a pregnancy test, see a “faint line,” and sometimes, even experience faulty pregnancy test results.

Coming to LLS to take a free medical pregnancy test can provide you with immediate answers.

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When Did I Get Pregnant?

Is this a worrisome and stressful question that has been repeated over and over in your mind since the day you saw the positive lines on a pregnancy test? If so, kick your feet back and scroll down. This one is for you!

Through the years of working as a pregnancy center nurse, I have been met with this question many times. “When did I get pregnant?” If we are being honest, it is not an unlikely circumstance for men and women in this day to be sexually active with more than one partner. When pregnancy occurs in casual relationships, it can cause great stress for the man and woman in determining when the pregnancy occurred.

But there is good news! We are going to break down this question today. The first thing we need to do is define some key words.

  1. What is Ovulation?

“Ovulation occurs when your ovary releases an egg. It happens around the 14th day of a 28-day menstrual cycle.” [1]

  1. What is Conception?

According to the Cleveland Clinic, “Conception happens when sperm swims up through the vagina and fertilizes an egg in the fallopian tube. It happens in the hours or days after you have unprotected sex. After conception, the fertilized egg implants into the uterus and a pregnancy begins.” [2]

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Tiny but Mighty: 1st Trimester Chronicles

You are living your normal day to day life and then all of a sudden, your heart falls to your stomach. You realize you can’t remember the last time you had a period and have recently been sexually active.

You take a pregnancy test and see the positive test results. Maybe you are excited! Maybe you are scared. Maybe you are depressed. Maybe you are in complete shock and have no idea what to do next.

The shock slowly wears off. You begin to picture your life with a little baby. You realize that you feel great! You must be one of the lucky ones with no pregnancy symptoms, right? But then you enter into your sixth week of pregnancy and BAM!

  • Nausea
  • “Morning sickness” that is really ALL day sickness
  • Food aversions
  • Frequent urination
  • Insomnia
  • Breast tenderness
  • Intense emotions

[To name a few…] All of a sudden, you definitely feel pregnant! Are these normal signs of pregnancy? Is everything ok?

Let’s talk about it!

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Finding Hope in a New Year

According to the Oxford Dictionary, hope is defined as a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.”

As I reflect on the year 2023, I have seen a lot of hope found and a lot of hope lost.

I have walked with many women down many journeys on this ultrasound table you see above.

As I performed an ultrasound this year, one young woman stated “I had lost hope,” as she looked with astonishment at the ultrasound screen. She saw a baby that she was told she would never have naturally. She told me she had lost hope in ever having a baby naturally after years of trying.

She found hope that day.

Another young woman sat on this same ultrasound table and was reviewing her pregnancy history with me. While gathering this history, she explained that only a few months prior to this ultrasound appointment, she had lost hope in her situation. She did not believe she could parent a baby and chose to have an abortion. With lots of love I asked, How are you doing?” Her response was wordless but the newly formed tears said it all. She was experiencing major regret.

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Does His Voice Matter?

As a foster parent & youth leader, I see the effects of fatherless homes every day. The hard truth is that children are growing up without a father more frequently today than ever before & it shows. Women and young mothers are struggling to be both, mother and father. Nice parent & mean parent. Friend & authority figure. The roles i...

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The Right to Know: Can I Reverse an Abortion?

The answer is yes! If you have started the first step of the Abortion Pill process but have not taken the second pill, you may be able to save your baby. This process is called the Abortion Pill Reversal or APR found here: . Though, there are no guarantees, if the APR process is s...

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It's National Volunteer Appreciation Month!

April is National Volunteer Appreciate Month and we are incredibly grateful for our volunteers at LLS! Our volunteers dedicate their time and services to our center, clients, and community. They do behind the scenes work that includes trainings, webinars, at-home scheduling, and so much more. In the pregnancy center line of work, prayer is also a n...

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February Means Love

The month of February is centered all around love! Everything is pink and red. We hide our stash of chocolate in the cabinet where no one can find it. Some of us turn on a good Nicholas Sparks movie or flip open a good romance novel. Why, oh why, do we always go for the tear jerkers?? Here at Life Line Sampson, our mission centers around love year ...

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Why do I need an in-person visit before making a pregnancy decision?

When it comes to pregnancy planning, universally, there are three options. 1. Parenting 2. Abortion 3. Adoption -Open -Semi-open -Closed When undecided on what pregnancy plan to choose, it is important to collect vital information. At an in-person appointment at a pregnancy center, you will have the opportunity to: 1. Verify your pregnancy with a &...

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Life Line Sampson

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    10:00am - 4:00pm
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    10:00am - 4:00pm
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  • Thursday
    10:00am - 4:00pm
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