Serving women and men in need in Clinton and the surrounding area.  

It's National Volunteer Appreciation Month!


April is National Volunteer Appreciate Month and we are incredibly grateful for our volunteers at LLS! Our volunteers dedicate their time and services to our center, clients, and community. They do behind the scenes work that includes trainings, webinars, at-home scheduling, and so much more. In the pregnancy center line of work, prayer is also a n...

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February Means Love


The month of February is centered all around love! Everything is pink and red. We hide our stash of chocolate in the cabinet where no one can find it. Some of us turn on a good Nicholas Sparks movie or flip open a good romance novel. Why, oh why, do we always go for the tear jerkers?? Here at Life Line Sampson, our mission centers around love year ...

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Why do I need an in-person visit before making a pregnancy decision?


When it comes to pregnancy planning, universally, there are three options. 1. Parenting 2. Abortion 3. Adoption -Open -Semi-open -Closed When undecided on what pregnancy plan to choose, it is important to collect vital information. At an in-person appointment at a pregnancy center, you will have the opportunity to: 1. Verify your pregnancy with a &...

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Life Line Sampson

Hours of Operation:
  • Monday
    10:00am - 4:00pm
  • Tuesday
    10:00am - 4:00pm
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
    10:00am - 4:00pm
  • Friday

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Location Name: Lewis Center Location
Unique ID: 1

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